
4 Times You May Need to Call a Family Law Attorney

Despite having the best plan and intentions in life, things don’t always work out well for everyone. This includes personal matters to do with family and relationships. Given the massive scope covered by relationships and family affairs, it’s important to note that there are different sections of the law that you can turn to if you need some kind of help or another. But just what are these situations? Here are four of the times when you may need to call a family law attorney to help you navigate a family matter that’s become serious.

1. For Issues Involving Minors

The first time that you may need to call a family law attorney is when there’s an issue to do with a minor. This includes things such as adoption, emancipation, and even child custody. In these cases, there are stipulations put into place by the law to ensure that the best interests of the child or children in question will be prioritized. Clearly, this is a more personal set of legal issues and is unlike something like dealing with the process of disability with an employee. For this, keep in mind that about 40% of employers in the United States actually offer their employees long-term disability policies, according to the Labor of Statistics.

2. When You Want to Plan Your Estate

Estate planning is an important family affair that can help safeguard the future in terms of finances for your dependents. That said, a mere 33% of adults in the United States have created estate planning documents, according to Legal Zoom. This is a serious issue because no one knows what tomorrow holds, and in case of an accident, your loved ones may be left in financial hardship. That said, you need to work with a good family law attorney to create an estate plan for your assets and stay safe from excessive debt. With a family law attorney’s assistance, you can make the best plans for the future and improve your quality of life as a result, with the knowledge that in case of anything, your family will be safe.

3. If You Have a Marital Property Dispute

During marriage, it’s common to accumulate property and assets as a couple. If an issue comes up in this case, it’s crucial to get the assistance of a good family law attorney who can guide you on the right and legal way to solve this dispute. Keep in mind that you may also need counseling in the process, depending on the specifics of your altercation. On this note, the market size by revenue of the industry of Family Counseling Crisis Intervention Services, according to IBISWorld, was $51.1 billion in 2023. Clearly, a good number of people need assistance when it comes to family matters, so you need not be shy about needing it yourself.

4. During a Divorce

Finally, if you’re getting a divorce or thinking about getting one, you need to involve a family law attorney right from the start. With their help, you can be sure that the process may be easier for you and also yield much better results. Your attorney will prepare you by telling you what to expect, and any legal documents that you need to have, and even come up with a strategy to help you safeguard your interests. This way, you can go through the process with less hassle and have a higher chance of success.

With the help of a family law attorney, you can protect yourself from issues like crippling debt and protect any children that need the protection of the law. That said, make sure to find the right expert for your specific issue, as there are many of them in this field. With the right legal professional, you have a much better chance of getting the best outcome in the process that you’re involved in.

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